Versions Compared


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“Payments” in QuickTouch are any receivables that pay down the outstanding balance. Note that QuickTouch will always assume that the payment is a check and will look for that check to be in the cash drawer at the end of the day.

“Debits” will increase the outstanding balance for a fleet (they owe you more money). Debits are generally used for creating a starting balance, assessing a penalty, or recording a debt from a separate business unit.

Fleet Account Selection Page


From the Main Menu, choose Fleet Account Management then Payments/Credits/Debits. Choose a fleet account.

The Payments/Credits/Debits screen will work slightly differently depending on whether a fleet account’s statement type is Open Items or Balance Forward (page 2 of the Fleet Maintenance screen).


Important: Any transactions done under Payments/Credits/Debits cannot be undone, they can only be offset, and so the fleet account statements will reflect all activity done on these screens.

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Open Items

Payment Allows you to create a payment transaction for this fleet. Payments are assumed to be checks, and all payments are listed as checks in the Day End Processing screens. Every payment affects the cash drawer totals for that day. A payment must be applied to an open invoice or credit, which will be listed on the bottom half of the screen.

Payments (Balance Forward Statement Type) Immediately applies to the open balance with the Balance Forward method.


The Open Items view lists all outstanding invoices. When you receive a payment, it will apply toward one or several invoices. Type in the dollar amount of the check, and then mark the “Paid” button next to each invoice it applies to. Pressing OK will apply the payment to the selected invoices, and the outstanding balance will be updated.

Apply Credits If a credit has already been created but not applied (you will be warned when you enter the Payments/Credits/Debits screen), you can use this button to apply the credit. When you create a credit, the balance is reduced, but the credit is not applied to an open invoice until you use the Apply Credits button.

Credit This will allow you to create a credit for an account. You will then need to go back into Payments/Credits/Debits and apply the credit to a particular invoice.


If you create a credit for a fleet account


using the Open Items


method, you will not see it as a separate line item. However, when you go into the Payments/Credits/Debits screen you will see a notice “Unapplied Credits


Exist,and you will now see the Apply Credits button listed. Press the Apply Credits button, select the credit (you will see each unapplied credit listed as a separate line item), and then select the invoices or debits to apply the credit to.

Caution! A common mistake is to create a credit, but not apply it to an open invoice. When you create the credit, the account balance is reduced, but the credit is not applied to an open invoice until you use the Apply Credits button. If this is not done and additional credits are created, you’ll have several unapplied credits. After finally applying them all, the account may have a large credit amount which must be corrected with a debit.

Debit This will allow you to create a debit for an account. It will appear in the bottom half of the screen along with any open invoices.

Debit (Open Items statement type) If you create a debit for a fleet account with Open Items statement type, it will appear as a separate line item along with the invoices.


Discount Using the Open Items method also allows you to apply a discount to an individual invoice. First, add a payment and select the invoice


. You are now able to press the “Discount” key for the remaining amount, to zero out the invoice balance. This is useful


if certain national fleet accounts that deduct a percentage (10%) from the invoice amount and pay the rest.


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Balance Forward

Payment Allows you to create a payment transaction for this fleet. Payments are assumed to be checks, and all payments are listed as checks in the Day End Processing screens. Every payment affects the cash drawer totals for that day. Payments will immediately apply to the open balance with the Balance Forward method.

Apply Credits This function is disabled if the fleet account is setup for the Balance Forward method.

Credit This will allow you to create a credit for an account. Credits will immediately apply to the open balance.

Debit This will allow you to create a debit for an account. It will appear in the bottom half of the screen along with any open invoices.

The Balance Forward method simply posts payments, credits, or debits against the account’s open balance. If you need to view account activity, use the Account Inquiry feature.

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