Inventory Functions Menu
After selecting To access the Inventory Functions from the menu, go to 3-Inventory & Service Management Menu, you Inventory Functions. You will be presented with the available Inventory Functions options:
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Inventory Restocking
When you receive a shipment of inventory, you will want to restock it into your system.
If you used the Purchase Order feature to create a purchase order for your inventory, you can use that feature to restock your inventory. If you used any other ordering method, you would need to restock using the QuickTouch restocking feature.
OK and Cancel on this screen perform the same function, in that they both exit you out of the Restocking function. Both buttons will save any work you have done. You will be prompted if you want to print a report, you don’t need to print a report every time, as you can reprint the restocking activity from the Inventory Reports menu.Page 1 of 1
To restock inventory, type the stock number and hit Enter. You can also use the arrow to select your inventory item from a list, use the arrow if you are not sure what the stock number is.
When QuickTouch finds the stock number in the system, it will present you with the following information:
Stock Number
Item Group
Carton Quantity
On Hand
You can restock an item either by Carton or by Unit. If you have the Carton Quantity indicated for the item you can use cartons, but otherwise you will have to use Units.
If you are not sure, use Units, and indicate how many individual items (as in unpacking the carton and counting everything).
Whether you indicate the Cartons or Units received, you will see the On Hand level change automatically to what the new level will be. At this point you can change the Cost or Vendor, and you can indicate an invoice number or description.
Note also the “New Price” and “Svc Price” fields. These correspond to the Selling Price and Service Price fields for that item in Inventory Item Maintenance. If the cost increases for this item, you have the option to increase the retail prices at this time. Generally, the Selling Price and Service Price are the same value, they are only different if you sell the item at a reduced cost if not part of a service.
After an item is restocked, it will show in the blue area below the restocking section. You can double-check your work here.
Inventory Adjustments
If you make a mistake restocking inventory or find a discrepancy with your on-hand amounts (between what the system indicates and what is actually on the shelf), you will need to do an Inventory Adjustment
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OK and Cancel on this page perform the same function, in that they both exit you out of the Adjustment function. Both buttons will save any work you have done.
You will be prompted if you want to print a report, you don’t need to print a report every time, as you can reprint the adjustment activity from the Inventory Reports menu.
To adjust inventory, just type the stock number and hit Enter. You can also use the arrow to select your inventory item from a list, use the arrow if you are not sure what the stock number is.
When QuickTouch finds the stock number in the system, it will present you with the following information:
Stock Number
Item Group
Carton Quantity
On Hand
Indicate the actual On-Hand Units that you want the system to have. You can provide an adjustment description. You will see the On Hand level change automatically to what the new level will be.
After an item is adjusted, it will show in the blue area below the adjustments section. You can double-check your work here.
Transfer Inventory
Inventory can be transferred from one location to another (multiple center operators only).Page 1 of 1
To transfer inventory, you need to select the shop in which the inventory will be transferred to, the Stock number or numbers in which you are transferring and the quantity being moved.
Once completed, click OK, and the system will print a packing slip to be sent with the inventory items to the other shop. A unique Transfer Code will be generated on the packing slip. This transfer code will be required when receiving the transfer at the other location. (See Receiving TransferReceive Transferred Inventory)
Receive Transferred Inventory
To receive transferred inventory from another shop, you will need the Inventory Transfer Packing Slip that was created at the other shop at the time of the initial Inventory Transfer.Page 1 of 1
Transfer Code The unique transfer code is used as a security check to ensure that the same inventory that left the other shop is what is being received at this location.
Cancel Inventory Transfer
To cancel an Inventory Transfer that you’ve created, click on any of the pending transfers, and then touch “Yes”.
Reprint Inventory Transfer
To reprint an Inventory Transfer that you’ve created, click on any of the pending transfers, and then press Yes.