Open Active Ticket
1. Open eLube/Business Operations software
2. Select Home tab
3. Active Tickets display in grid
4. Double-click on desired ticket to open
Find Old Ticket
1. Open eLube/Business Operations software
ii. Step 2: Select the Sale from the list below: Highlight desired ticket
iii. Ok (F5)
Void Ticket
1. Open eLube/Business Operations software
2. Locate and open ticket to void
3. Select Action from top panel menu
4. Select Void Ticket (Ctrl + Del)
a. Enter password, if prompted
5. Click on Special Functions button
a. Click on Void Ticket button (or Ctrl+Del)
b. Enter password and reason for voiding the ticket
c. Print Voided Ticket? is selected by default.
d. Ok (F5)