QuickTouch allows you to configure as many check lists for your services as needed. Check Lists are the “20 Point Check” that are generally included with full-service oil changes. Check Lists can be created for any other service, and you can assign two check lists to a particular service.
Check List Selection Page
After selecting Checklist Maintenance, you will be presented with a list of check lists.
Note the “Add” button on this screen that will allow you to add a new Check List to the list.
Also note the “Page 1 of X” indicator. If there is more than one page of checklists, you can use the “Forward” and “Back” buttons to scroll through the screens.
To delete the entire Check List, select it then press DELETE (top of page).
When viewing or adding a check list, press OK to save any changes or CANCEL to exit without saving.
Check List Add/Edit Page
To delete the entire Check List, press DELETE (top of page).
To save changes, press OK to save or CANCEL to quit without saving.
The first page of the Check List allows you to add, change or remove check points.
To add or change a check point, just type in the description in a blank box.
To remove a check point, just erase the description. When you click OK and go back ininto the check list, you will see that check point is gone and any below it has have moved up a row.
To change the actions for a check point, press the right arrow button. You can have up to six actions for each check point.
Check List Options Window
Ask Questions? Pressing the ? button, allows you to configure a question for the technician for the check point.
When checking out a vehicle and that that action is selected by the technician for the check point, the technician will be prompted with the question. The information he types in will appear on the invoice.
In the screenshot example the technician will be prompted for a reason why he can’t check the Front Differential fluid.
Default if Service is sold Associates Sold Allows you to associate a service to a particular check point option. Press the “No” button next to the Action that will be default Action and select service. In the screenshot example, when the Front Diff Service is sold, the Front Differential check point will automatically be set to Changed.