The Business Snapshot combines multiple different reports to provide a snapshot of your business performance.

Generate Report

  1. Open eGenuity Software

  2. Select Business Management from the top panel menu

  3. Select My Reporting from the left panel menu

  4. Click on the Reports icon

  5. Select Business Snapshot Summary from the Report Title listing

  6. Select the time period you would like to run the report for by either

    1. Selecting a period from the drop down menu

    2. Start Date: Select desired start date from the drop-down calendar

    3. End Date: Select desired end date from the drop-down calendar

  7. Click on the desired option:

    1. Explore: Opens report in spreadsheet style layout that allows customization before printing

    2. Preview: Opens Report in print preview windows

    3. Print: Sends report to designated printer

Report Breakdown

Sales Information by Record Group:

Sales Summary by Record Group:

Sales Summary by Profit Center:

Payment Summary: Summary of payments received during the selected date range broken down by Cash Drawer and Profit Center.

Cash Rec Summary:

Deposit Summary:

Labor Percentage by Profit Center: (Labor percent is calculated on Net Sales unless specifically stated as Gross Sale.)

Ticket Average by Profit Center:

Sales by Salesperson:

Payouts and Adjustments:

Voided Tickets:

Fleet Summary:

Employee Hours by Employee: (Including Over Time) (**Labor percent is calculated on Net Sales unless specifically stated as Gross Sales.)

Hourly Summary:

Weather Summary

Activity Summary by Profit Center:

Business Activity Summary: Store Open and Close Information

Business Snapshot Overview Video

Business Snapshot Report PUBLIC.mp4