1. Click on Printer Configuration icon

a. Complete the following:

i. Step 1. Where do you want to print?: Select desired printer from list

ii. Step 2. What do you want to print?:

1. Cash Drawer Adjustment Receipt: Prints a receipt after cash drawer adjustment (money out)

2. Cash Drawer Adjustment Voucher: Print a receipt after cash drawer adjustment (money in)

3. Estimate: Prints estimate tickets

4. Invoice After Checkout*: Invoice prints at checkout

5. Invoice After Close: Invoice ticket prints when ticket is closed. Separate from checkout

6. Invoice After Payment: Invoice prints after payment but before complete checkout

7. Invoice After Void: Invoice prints when voided

8. Invoice Before Checkout: Invoice can be printed at anytime

9. Reset Cash Drawer: Prints report when cash drawer is reset

10. Service History Reprint: To reprint service history report

11. Service Review: Prints service review list Table of Contents 9

12. Severe Service: Prints preventative maintenance service

13. Static Sticker: Prints static sticker

14. Subscription Cancel: Prints when subscription set to canceled or expired

15. Warranty: Prints warranty ticket type

16. Work Order: Prints work order associated with ticket

iii. Step 3. When do you want to print?:

1. Always: Invoice, Service Review, Work Order, etc. will always print on the selected printer

2. Sometimes: Only prints if a selected service or item from a selected category exists on a ticket 3. Never: Invoice, Service Review, Work Order, etc. will never print on the selected printer

b. Select Invoice Settings tab

i. Invoice Copies: Enter the number of standard copies to print

ii. Extra Copies for On Account: Enter a number of additional copies to print, if desired, for fleet accounts

iii. Extra Copies for Credit/Debit Cards: Enter the number of additional copies to print, if desired, for tickets paid with credit or debit cards

iv. Extra Copies for Gift Certificates/Cards: Enter the number of additional copies to print, if desired, for tickets paid with gift certificates or gift cards

v. Extra Copies for Missing Signatures:

vi. Extra Copies for Bill Dispenser Failed:

vii. Maximum Copies: Enter the maximum number of invoice copies to print

viii. Is Customer Copy to Email?: Select to email copy to customer

ix. Template File Name: From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate file to use

c. Select Industry tab to set print behavior for specific services or car washes

i. Select Override?: Select to alter print behavior defined above

ii. Print Behavior: From drop-down list, select desired action

iii. Extra Copies: Enter the number of copies desired

2. Save (F5)