Key Features & Improvements

Gift Cards: Bonus Card
Award bonus dollars to a second card on gift card sales


Gift Cards: Price Suggestions & Default Amount
Configure a default amount & predetermined price suggestions for an improved gift card selling experience


Subscription Agreements: (Terms of Service)
Prompt customers to agree and sign terms of service at EMV terminal or handheld device


Partial Refunds
Partial refunds are now supported for inventory items that are paid for with cash or credit card.

Void Tickets: Require Gift Card Swipe on Void to Reduce Fraud
Added configuration option to require purchased gift card to be swiped when voided to ensure that the Gift Card is in the possession of the cashier to reduce fraud

Security: Multi-Factor Authentication
Users with access to security settings and other restricted areas of the program will be required to use multi-factor authentication as required by PCI 3.2.

Purging: Purge Agent
Purging of customers, inventory, loyalty, and tickets is now supported and can be configured (Requires special right)

Additional Features & Improvements

Gift Cards

Voiding Tickets

Business Operations Changes

Business Management

Internal Vehicle Editor

Inventory Changes


System Maintenance

Accounting Integration