Timecard Management
Timecard Management
Open eGenuity software
Select Business Management from top panel menu
Select Employee Management from left panel menu
Click on Timecard Management Icon
a. Select desired store from drop-down menu
b. Select either Daily or Weekly tab
c. From drop-down calendar, select desired date
d. Select Load
To Edit timecard
Double-click on appropriate timecard
Edit times and/or work assignment as necessary
Notes: Enter reason for adjustment
Ok (F5)
To Void timecard
Double-click on appropriate timecard
Select Void in Modify Employee Timecards window
To Add timecard
Select Add Timecard button in Employee Timecard Management window
Select appropriate employee from drop-down menu
Edit times and/or work assignment as necessary
Ok (F5)
To approve timecard(s)
Select Approve Timecards button
, multiple selections available,