Receive Order

Receive Order

  1. Open eGenuity software

  2. Select Inventory Management from top panel menu

  3. Select Purchasing/Receiving from the left side panel

  4. Click on Receive Order icon

  • Note: After delivery, receive inventory into the system

a. Vendor: Select desired vendor from the drop-down menu

b. Select Load (Ctrl+L)

• Note: If Receive Date is different from the current date, adjust by using the drop-down calendar

i. Vendor Quantity Received: If quantity received is different from amount ordered, manually enter the quantity. If the quantity matches the amount ordered, click Receive All Items (Ctrl+L) to automatically populate the field(s)

c. Save (F5)

d. Select Report to open a print preview window of the Receive Purchase Order Inventory Report.

e. Close (Esc) when completed

Receive Order Help Video: