Inventory Management: Bulk Price/Cost Update

Inventory Management: Bulk Price/Cost Update

Price Update

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select Inventory Management from top panel menu

3. Select Bulk Changes from left panel menu

4. Click on Bulk Price Update icon

5. Select Load Retail Prices button


Adjust Multiple Item Prices at Once

1. Click on Category column to sort

a. Adjust the following fields as needed:

i. Price Change Type: Select, from the drop-down list, how to update prices

ii. Price Change Amount: Enter the amount to either increase or decrease item price

b. Select Update Prices button

2. Save (F5)


Adjust Single Item Price

1. New Price column: Enter updated price for a single item

2. Select Update Prices button

3. Save (F5)



Cost Update

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select Inventory Management from top panel menu

3. Select Bulk Changes from left panel menu

4. Click on Bulk Cost Update icon

5. Complete the following fields to filter inventory

a. Vendor: Select, from the drop-down menu, the desired vendor

b. Category: Select, from the drop-down menu, the category under which the item exists

c. Item: Select the appropriate item. If no item selected, grid displays all items from set vendor and designated category

d. Show Default Costs: Select to display the default cost

e. Show Store Specific Costs: Select to display the specific cost

6. Select Load Vendor Costs



Adjust Multiple Items Cost at Once

1. Cost Change: Select, from the drop-down menu, the desired operation

a. Set Cost to $: Sets cost to specific dollar value

b. Change Cost by $: Changes cost by specific dollar value

c. Change Cost by %: Changes cost by specific percentage

d. Enter the correct numerical value in the box

• Note: Entering a negative value reduces the cost.

e. Select Update Costs button

2. Save (F5)



Adjust Single Item Cost

1. New Cost column: Enter the updated cost

2. Save (F5)