Pos-i-Lube: Setting up a Scanner and a VIN Grabber

Pos-i-Lube: Setting up a Scanner and a VIN Grabber


The portable scanner unit has two components: the handheld device and the cradle that relays the information from the CPU to the scanner unit.

Hardware Installation

1. Make sure the CPU is powered off.
2. Plug the data cable from the cradle to COM2 on the back of your CPU.
3. Plug the end of the data cable that looks like a large telephone plug, into the cradle.
4. Plug the power cable into the cradle.
5. Plug the power supply into your power outlet.
6. Turn on your CPU.

Your handheld should now be ready to use. If you have any problems please contact Support.

NOTE: If this unit is an upgrade to your system you may need to call technical support for further configuration.

Scanner Inventory Setup

On computer:
1. Go to Inventory tab and click on Scanner Setup
2. Click on the radio button next to Full Services and add the services you would like to appear on your scanner. Repeat for Services and Lubricants.

On Scanner:
1. Press the () key to return to the main menu.
2. When the prompt says Autoscan options, scroll down to option 3.
3. Press Enter to upload inventory. Your inventory changes will now reflect on the scanner.

How to use Scanner

When you first pick up the scanner it should say "Greet Customer". Press Enter on the scanner and it will say "Scan Vehicle". The scanner is now ready to use.

1. Scan the VIN barcode of the vehicle in the door-jam or windshield for GM’s.
2. Repeat customer's name will show on the scanner and you can enter the mileage. Or – A new customer's vehicle information will display. You will also need to enter the mileage and then enter the customer's name and address on the computer, at cash out.
3. The oil that was used on the last visit will display, and you can confirm or change it.
4. You can review the customer’s service history right from AutoScan.
5. Select the type of full service and sell any needed add-on services
6. Print the Chek-Chart work order and static sticker and move on to the next vehicle.

Now you can open the customer list in your Point-of-Sale and pick the customer listed as “AUTOSCAN”. If the customer is new, you will need to enter the customer information(name, address, etc.) before cashing them out.

Scanner Tips

• Scan at an angle, not directly at the bar code


• Closer isn’t better, back the scanner away from the bar code so that you scan the entire bar code and some area on both sides of bar code.

• One effective technique is to start with the scan line off the bar code, then move it onto the bar code.

Scanner Troubleshooting

If you are getting scanner errors:

1. From scanner main menu, select 4) Test Scanner
2. Stand within 3 feet of the cradle.
4. If the scanner reports CRADLE: FAILED then either the cradle has no power or the scanner is not paired with the cradle.
5. If scanner reports COMPUTER: FAILED, then either the serial cable is not plugged in properly or Auto Scan is not running.
6. When the scanner reports CRADLE: PASS and COMPUTER: PASS, proceed to the LONG RANGE TEST.
7. If the scanner reports SEND: FAILED, SEND: WEAK, or RECEIVE: WEAK then scanner is out of range or obstructed by a large object or being interfered with by a cordless phone, etc. and that location is outside the effective transmission range. (Logic would suggest that a FAILED transmission is further out of range than a WEAK transmission.)
8. Move around the shop repeating the LONG RANGE TEST until an effective Scanner Transmission Range is determined. If the range is not acceptable then: a. Make sure there is not a cordless phone in the shop. b.Relocate the cradle (using a longer serial cable if necessary) to a better location and repeat the entire process starting with the SHORT RANGE TEST.

Additional things to check:

• Exit out to Windows and make sure the Auto Scan program is running, if not click on scanner icon to open Auto Scan and try to scan a car again.
• If program is running, close it and open it again.
• Unplug both cables from cradle and then plug them back in.
• Pair the scanner with the cradle. To do this:
1. Press Enter on the scanner to clear the error code.
2. Press the () key to get back to the main menu.
3. Scroll to option 2 (New Shipment) and press Enter.
4. When the prompt says SCAN BOX, scan the barcode on the scanner cradle.
5. Press the (*) key to get back to the main menu.
6. Scroll to option 3(Upload Inventory) and press Enter.

• If you were able to complete these steps without a scanner error, your scanner should be ready to use.
• Make sure you are not using a 2.4ghz phone or device in the same location where you operate the scanner, this is a known issue.
• Make sure your scanner is plugged into COM2.
• Check scanner cables for any cuts.
• Make sure your scanner is fully charged.
• If you are having trouble pairing the scanner, you may remove the battery and re-insert it and try pairing again.

If you are still not able to scan a vehicle, contact Auto Data Technical Support.

VIN Grabber

The portable scanner unit has two components: the handheld device and the base that relays the information from the CPU to the scanner unit.


1. Make sure the CPU is powered off.
2. Plug the data cable from the handheld base to the your COM2 port.
3. Plug the end of the data cable, that looks like a large telephone plug, into the handheld base.
4. Plug the power cable into the data cable that is plugged into the computer.
5. Plug the power supply into your power outlet.
6. Turn on your CPU.

Your handheld should now be ready to use. If you have any problems please contact Support

*NOTE: If this unit is an upgrade to your system you may need to call technical support for further configuration.

How to use

Once your scanner has been installed and configured, all you need to do is make sure the AutoScan program is running on your computer and then scan a car. It's that simple. To pick up your recently scanned customer, open your Point-of-Sale and select the customer that says VIN GRABBER.


If you are having trouble scanning VINS: Exit out from the Pos-i-Lube software to your Windows page and make sure your AutoScan program is running. It should be running at all times.
Close the AutoScan program and open it again by clicking on the scanner icon.
If your scanner beeps, but the customer doesn't transfer into Point-of-Sale, try pairing your scanner with the cradle by scanning the bar code on the cradle and then scanning another vehicle.
If you are still not able to successfully scan a vehicle, call technical support.

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