Data Explorer

Data Explorer

Data Explorer is a tool that allows you to select fields from available data groups, create queries that can then be run and exported. The query can then be saved as a Layout to quickly use again.

Use the detailed instructions or video to help you use Data Explorer.

Topics covered:

Data Explorer Steps

To use Data Explorer:

  1. In eGenuity, select the Business Management tab.


  2. Select Data Explorer. Data Explorer will open.


  3. In the Views field, select the group that best describes the type of information you are wanting. The Views available are not customizable. Layouts, however, can be customized and saved.


  4. All available fields are listed and in the Visible column may be checked or unchecked.. You may want to click the Hide All Columns button to hide all fields for the query and then select only the ones to be included.


  5. Some fields will allow you to further filter query results. For example, a Date field will allow for a date range for the query. The Operator is set to “Between” and then Value #1 and Value #2 are the beginning date and end date.
    Note: If you want a date to be included, select the day after as the end date being that 12:00 a.m. is the of the date selected is the beginning and ending times.


  6. After all query options are complete, click on the Run Query icon on the menu bar.

  7. Review the query results. The results rows and columns can be further edited. You can:

    • Resize the columns;

    • Sort data by any of the columns;

    • Filter results further by using column filters;

    • Group results by column header.


  8. After data is as needed, you can:

    • Print preview the results;

    • Export results as an Excel file;

    • Export results as a CSV file;

    • Limit the number of rows to export.

  9. If the data parameters will be needed often, the layout can be saved by clicking the Save icon. Loyouts can be deleted by selecting them and then clicking on the Delete icon.


Data Explorer in Reports

Data Explorer is also accessed in the Reports section of Business Management, My Reporting.

To access Data Explorer, in Reports:

  1. Open Reports.

  2. Select a Report Group.

  3. Select a Report Title.

  4. Enter a date range for the report.

  5. Select the Store Locations you would like included in the report.

  6. Click on the Explore button.


  7. In the Explorer view, you have many of the same features as before. You will not, however, be able to filter using Operator, Value#1 or Value#2. You will also not have the option to limit rows, run another query or save results as CSV file.

  8. You can Hide All or Show all Columns by Using the buttons to the right or remove specific columns by unchecking the visible box.

  9. You can shift the order of the columns or group the report by a specific column by clicking on the column header and dragging left to right, or into the group here area.


  10. Once the report is formatted to your preference you can choose to Save the Layout for future use, Delete an existing layout that is no longer needed, Print or Export to Excel.


Data Explorer Help Video