Automatic Backup - Confirm Task

Automatic Backup - Confirm Task

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select System Maintenance from top panel menu

3. Select System Scheduling/Notifications from left panel menu

4. Click on Scheduler icon

a. Double-click on Database Backup

b. Is Enabled?: Confirm is selected

c. Day of the Week: Confirm every day is selected

d. Hour of the Day: Confirm an hour is selected

e. Minute of the Hour: Confirm a minute is selected

5. If any changes are made, click on Save (F5)

6. If no changes are made, click on Reset or Close (Esc)



Automatic Backup – C Drive

• Backups are set to save to C:\eGenuityLocal\Backups folder

• eGenuity recommends verifying backups are running daily


Automatic Backup – External Drive

• eGenuity strongly recommends backups are saved to an external drive such as a flash drive or external hard drive

• eGenuity DOES NOT store Customer data