QuickTouch: Marketing Management

QuickTouch: Marketing Management

The Marketing Management reports in Quick Touch allow you to pinpoint sales and marketing trends in your store. All reports will indicate both the number and percentage of each listed item and can be run for any date range.

Coupons, Discounts, and Advertising Types can be configured under System Management, Cash Register Maintenance.

The marketing reports include the following:

Zip Code Analysis

Lists all visiting customer zip codes for the date range indicated.

Coupon Analysis

Lists all coupons used by customers for the date range indicated.

Advertising Type Analysis

Advertising Types are the “How did you hear about us?” entries done when checking in a new customer. This report lists all advertising type answers for all new customers for the date range indicated.

Discount Analysis

s Lists all discounts used by customers for the date range indicated.

Day of Week Report

Lists the number and percentages of customers for each day of the week for the date range indicated. This report will be more useful run over a several week period with a Monday starting date and a Sunday end date.

First Visit vs. Repeat Visit Analysis

For all customer visits in the date range, this will compare the numbers and percentages of new customers and repeat customers.

Time of Day Analysis

Lists the number and percentages of customers for each hour of the day for the date range indicated. This report will be more useful run over a several week period with a Monday starting date and a Sunday end date.

Time of Day by Weekday

The report shows a comparison of car counts for each weekday against the same day in previous weeks for the specified date range. This report is useful for planning employee schedules and controlling labor costs.