QuickTouch: Period End Processing

QuickTouch: Period End Processing

Period End Processing is where you do your day end procedures, and print sales reports for daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly periods.

Note that on our old DOS system or some competitor systems, Week and Month end processing is required to be done on the end-day of that period. THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN QUICKTOUCH. QuickTouch allows you to do any period processing (such as week or month ends) on any date, simply by typing in the end-date or date range for that period.

The Period End Processing menu presents the following options:

Till Management

QuickTouch supports the final processing of customers at more than one computer. Each computer can have its own physical cash drawer that gets tracked individually.

Multiple Tills can also be used to track a shift change between cashiers mid-day. This enables each cashier to count their own till before and after their shift, thus making it easier to track down where a variance has occurred.

Please note that the two above descriptions of multiple tills can be used in conjunction with one another. So, there could be an AM shift and a PM shift on both bay 1 and bay 2, for a total of 4 tills for that day. In any of the scenarios above, all the day's tills are combined to reconcile at day end.

Enabling Till Management

To enable this feature, from the Main Menu go to:

  1. 8 - System Management

  2. 2 - General Setup Options

  3. Forward to Page 2 Owner Setup

  4. Forward to Page 2 Change Multiple Till to ‘Yes’.

Note: Multiple Tills cannot be turned on or off in the middle of the day.

Till Management Window

Open Till A till must first be opened before a cashier can operate a cash drawer on the system. To open a till:

  1. Count the number of each denomination of currency and enter it into the fields provided.

  2. When finished, click OK at the top of the screen.

Customers can now be processed in the same manner as a single till environment.

Close Till At the end of the day or shift, the till must be closed. To close the till:

Once again, count the number of each denomination of currency and enter it into the fields provided. When finished, click OK at the top of the screen.

If this is the end of the day, the End-of-Day Process can now be completed as normal (See Close Current Day instructions.).

If this is the end of a shift, then a new till must be opened before customer processing can continue on this computer. If no till is opened, then the computer will act as a bay station.

When using Multiple Tills, the End-of-Day process stays the same except that each cashier’s drawer total must be verified individually.

Undo Close Till The Undo Close Till function can be used to correct a mistake on the closing of a till.


Close Current Day

At the day end, you will be counting all the cash in the drawer, and all checks and credit cards. QuickTouch will compare your totals with the system totals and indicate disparities.

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From the main menu, choose Period End Processing, then Day End. You will be prompted for your code and password to prevent unauthorized access.

If there are any invoices from the day that you know were processed under the incorrect payment method (for instance, the cashier chose Cash instead of Check when invoicing a customer), you must first reconcile this by using the Transfer button.

This will allow you to transfer the dollar amount from the incorrect payment method to the correct payment method.


Reconcile Payment Methods

Press the Cash button and reconcile the cash in the drawer.

Note that this cash amount INCLUDES the starting drawer fund.

Proceed to the other payment methods. Note that there are two buttons to choose from when verifying non-cash (or non-fleet) payment methods.

Use the Payment Type button to be prompted with a list of all transactions – the list will indicate the name and the amount of the transaction.

To verify that you have that check (or credit card receipt, as the case may be), press the blank verify button – you will see a check appear indicating that you have verified that payment.

Proceed through the list, and then press OK at the top. If you have a check or credit card receipt that is not in the list, use the Add button to enter that payment in the list. If you have a check that is NOT for the same amount as the Amount button indicates (for instance, maybe the customer wrote the check for $28.58), press the dollar amount key to correct it.

Use the Amount button if you prefer to total the checks yourself (or, if you batch out a credit card machine, you can use the total from that). After counting cash and reconciling the other payment methods, inspect the Difference column. You should have all zeros to indicate that the drawer balances.



 If you see discrepancies, try the following:

  • Check for invoices that were processed with the incorrect payment method – this is most likely if you see one payment method short, and another payment method over for the same amount, as in the screenshot example.
    Note that they balance each other out so the total balance for all payment methods is zero. To correct this, use the Transfer option described earlier.

  • If cash is over or short, check for pay-ins and pay-outs that may not have been recorded in QuickTouch. You will need to Cancel from the day end process (clear your changes) and record the transaction.

  • If cash is short, check for a change box that may contain rolls of change. If this was included with the starting bank, it must be counted with the closing amount.

  • If checks are short, check for any payments-on-account (for fleet accounts). Fleet account payments are included in this section.

  • If cash is consistently over, review your change box (containing rolls of change) procedures – if the change box is NOT included in the cash drawer base amount, then if an employee removes a roll from the box, he will need to put the same amount of cash back in. (For instance, if the change box contains $50, and the cashier runs out of quarters and removes a $10 roll, then if he needs to either do a pay-in or needs to take $10 from the drawer and put it in the change box. Of course, the separate change box would also need to be counted on a regular basis to ensure that it always contains $50.)

When all payment methods are reconciled, press the OK button at top. The day end reports will print.

After the reports print, you may be prompted to do a backup.

After the backup is complete, you will be dropped back to QuickTouch. At this point you can exit out or do anything else you need to do on the computer.

To change the reports that are run, go to the Main Menu, choose System Management, General Setup Options, Day End Setup. From here you can choose which reports you want to print.


Close Current Week, Month and Year

From the Main Menu, go to Period End Processing and choose Close Current Week, Close Current Month or Close Current Year.

Sage’s old DOS system, and some competitor systems, require that processing be done on a particular day (

for instance, Saturday evening). Note that in QuickTouch the Week, Month and Year processing do NOT have to be done on a particular date, you can run the reports for any date range at any time as many times as you need to.

Close Current Week reports that will print:

  • Weekly Sales Journal

  • Weekly Stock Sales Report

  •   Weekly Employee Time Report

  • Weekly Employee Service Report

  • Weekly Vital Statistics Report

Close Current Month reports that will print:

  • Monthly Sales Journal

  • Inventory Value Report

  • Monthly Stock Sales Report

  • Monthly Vital Statistics Report

Close Current Month reports that will print:

  • Yearly Sales Journal

  • Inventory Value Report

  • Yearly Stock Sales Report


Reprint Sales Reports

Reprint Sales Reports (from the Main Menu, press Period End Processing, Reprint Sales Reports) allows you to reprint the nightly reports from previous dates.

The following reports are available:

Exception Report (Range of dates) This report lists any “unusual happenings” that may indicate money or security abuses. Such actions might include Bay Deletes, Quick Sales that are canceled after the cash drawer opens, any time the cash drawer is manually opened through QuickTouch, miscellaneous Discounts, and Restored invoices. This report should be reviewed daily or periodically to catch any potential abuses of the system. Note how for voided and refunded invoices, both the original invoice date (the Activity Date) and the void/refund date (the Report Date) are listed for comparison.


Daily Activity Report (Range of dates) This report first lists all invoices processed for the date range and any change in status (bay delete or void). The second page will list all Pay-In and Pay-Out transactions. The third page will list all Fleet Account transactions.

Tax Exempt Report (Range of dates) This report shows all invoices that were tax exempt. Fleet accounts can be configured as taxable/non-taxable, so the nontaxable fleet invoices would show here. In addition, the cashier can delete the tax from individual invoices by pressing the Tax button on the final Customer Invoicing screen when cashing out a customer.


Vital Statistics Report (Range of dates) This report provides sales, labor, inventory, and customer statistics in a concise format. This report will require some configuration; under General Setup Options, fill in the information on page 2 of Center Defaults.

Sales Description This will print out a list of all formulas used in the Daily Sales Report.


Pay In/Out Report (Range of dates) The Pay In/Out report displays a list of all Pay In and Pay Out transactions for the date specified. This report was formerly only available as part of the Daily Activity Report, but is now available independently.



Daily Sales Summary (Range of dates) This report is an abbreviated summary of both the Daily Sales Report and the Vital Statistics Report generated for any date or date range. 


Daily Sales Report (Single date) The first page of the Daily Sales Report provides sales statistics for the day. The second page is the Register Summary and lists all incoming and outgoing money and breaks it down to a final cash drawer total. The page will record the Cashier total, and list the over or short amounts.

Weekly Sales Journal (Single date) This report will assume the week ends on a Saturday, and thus is asking for the Saturday date. The Weekly Sales Journal will list for each day some simple statistics (invoice count, average ticket, services sold, etc.) and compile them into Week-, Month-, and Year-to-Date totals.

Day End Journal (Single date) This report lists all computed and actual cash drawer balances, all non-cash transactions, and a summary showing over or shortage amounts. The Daily Sales report presents a summary of these numbers, but this report provides more details, and is useful for shops that never seem to balance exactly.

Co-Op Report (Single date) This report will only be available if the Franchise=Yes option is set under System Management, General Setup Options, Owner Setup (you will need to exit and re-launch QuickTouch in order for the change to take effect). This report provides information that would be of interest to a franchiser/franchisee, such as the percentage of sales that must be remitted from the franchisee to the franchisor.

Till Report (Only available if multiple tills is enabled) The Till Report can be generated by single day or for a date range and for a single or all employees. When using Multiple Tills, the Till Report must be referenced in conjunction with the Day End Journal for the cash drawer detail.

X-Tape Report (Single date) This report has been superseded by the Daily Sales Report, but is provided for previous users of the old Sage DOS system.

Undo Current Day End

This function will allow you to undo all day end activities. The day will need to be closed again. This function would normally only be used to correct a mistake on the day end reports, or to cash through an extra sale that arrived after the day end process had already been finished.

This function will only work for the current date.