Add/Edit Employees

Add/Edit Employees

For use of scheduling, tracking, and payroll features adding an employee to the software is necessary. The option to control login abilities and security, designate a primary work location (if multiple stores exist), and record any personal data such as home address, phone numbers, and emergency contact information, and email or text work schedules and reminders is also featured within the software.

If a Central Office exists, add the employee on the Central Office server and NOT the Store server as the employee data will update at the Store location during replication.

  1. Open the eLube software

  2. Select ‘System Maintenance’ from top panel menu

  3. Select ‘Employees / Security’ from left panel menu

  4. Click on ‘Employees’ icon


  5. Select ‘Add (F4)’

    1. Select ‘General Information’ tab


      1. Complete the following fields:

        1. Code: Enter alpha, numeric, or combination thereof to differentiate employees

        2. Last Name: Enter employee’s last name

        3. First Name: Enter employee’s first name

        4. All other fields are optional

    2. Select ‘Notes’ tab

      NOTE: This is used at business discretion for notations not covered in other fields such as additional Emergency Contact(s), hobbies, etc.

    3. Select ‘Pay Rates’ tab


      1. Start Date: Enter beginning date of pay rate

      2. End Date: Enter ending date of pay rate if rate changes

      3. Department: Select assigned department from drop-down menu, if applicable

      4. Pay Rate: Enter pay rate entered in dollars and cents

      5. Is Hourly: Select for employee who is paid on hour-by-hour basis. Do not select for salary employees.

      6. Incentive Rate: Enter incentive pay rate in dollars and cents

    4. Select ‘Security' tab


      1. Employee will Login? Select for employees who will use Login ID and password to access the program

      2. Select ‘Login’ tab

        1. Is Enabled? Select to enable login ability

        2. Name: Employee’s name displays based on entry made on General Information tab

        3. Login ID: Enter desired login ID. Alpha, numeric, or combination thereof

        4. Password: Enter desired password. Complexity requirements are dependent upon Role. In some instances, must be at least seven (7) characters long and include at least one (1) number

        5. Role: Select the appropriate role from the drop-down menu

      3. Select ‘Store Access’ tab


        1. Store Selection

          1. All Stores radio button: Enables employee at all locations indicated in the chart

          2. No Stores radio button: Disables employee login at all locations indicated in the chart

          3. Is Enabled? Select stores where employee will login. If employee works at multiple store locations, select all that apply.

    5. Select ‘Schedule’ tab


      1. Email Schedule Reminders?: Select to send reminders via email to employee

      2. Text Schedule Reminders?: Select to send reminders via text to employee

      3. Not Available Range #1 / Not Available Range #2: Offers ability to set time range, based on specific days, in which the employee is not available to work

  6. Select ‘Save (F5)’