Billing Statements

Billing Statements

  1. Open eGenuity software

  2. Select Accounts Receivable from top panel menu

  3. Select My Accounts from left panel menu

  4. Click on Accounts Receivable icon

a. Select Search (F7)

i. If necessary, complete the required search criteria. Dependent upon number of existing accounts ii. Double-click on desired account to enable editing

b. Select Transactions tab

i. Click Create Statement button

1. Statement Date: Select appropriate date from the drop-down calendar.

• Note: Always select one day out. Example: If the statement is for the month of March, select Statement Date of 04/01/2022 to include the entire month of March (03/01/2022 through 03/31/2022)

2. Assess Finance Charges: Select to charge any finance charges

3. Ok

ii. Click on current statement

1. Click on Show Statement button to preview statement

c. Save (F5)