eLube Tablet: Adding Services

eLube Tablet: Adding Services

Service Quick-add Buttons

To add a service quickly to a ticket:

  1. After customer and vehicle information is complete, select the Services tab to add a service.
    Note: The ticket number is displayed on the title bar along with message “In Progress” to indicate an active ticket is selected.


  2. Select a Quick Service button to add to the ticket.


  3. The Service window with the selected service’s details appears. Confirm the service and press Save when finished. (To override the price, a passcode must be entered.)
    Note: The Vehicle Check button will add the vehicle check item to the ticket as soon as the button is pressed.

After the service is added to the ticket, you will see the details in the Details panel.


All Services Button

To see a list of all available services, press the All Services button. Find the service and press it to select it and add it to the ticket.

Miscellaneous Buttons (Adding More to a Ticket)

In addition to services, you can also add the following to a ticket using their respective buttons:

  • Parts

  • Non-stock

  • Quick Entry/Scan

  • Additional Charges

Editing Ticket Details

Editing “No Match” Items on a Ticket

If an item shows a “No Match”, tap on it once. This will open the Item list window. Tap on an item and then press the Save button. This will clear the “No Match” message.

 Removing a Service or Item from a Ticket

To remove a service or item from a ticket scroll to the item to be selected (Swipe or use the scroll buttons) and then press the Delete button.

Replacing an Item on a Ticket

To replace an item in the details panel, scroll to select it then tap it to open the item selection window. Select the replacement and click the Save button.

Voiding a Ticket

To void a ticket that has items added to it:

  1. Press the Void button.


  2. Enter a password and then a reason for the void then press the Next button.


  3. Choose whether to print the voided ticket or not and then press the Send button.


Note: A ticket can be voided without a security password if no services or items have been added to it.


After services have been performed, continue to Cashing Out a Customer.