eLube Tablet: Processing Fleet Customers

eLube Tablet: Processing Fleet Customers

To process a ticket for a fleet customer:

  1. As with any customer, press the New Sale button.


  2. Search and find the customer then press the This Customer, This Vehicle button.


  3. After selecting the fleet customer, the A/R Account window opens. Depending on the fleet account setup, some or all the fields may be required.


  4. Press the Save button when done. If any required information is missing, an information box appears and prevents saving. (Pressing the Cancel button closes the window but any required fields must filled in before being able to cash out.)

    Note: If the vehicle is incorrectly assigned or not assigned as a fleet, press the Fleet Info button and then the Add/Remove Fleet button to correct it.

    The Vehicle Information window opens and the correction can be made by going to the Account field and making the needed change.


  5. If required fleet information needs to be entered or edited, press the Mandatory Info button and press the Save button when finished.


  6. Press the Services button and add services as with any customer.


  7. Continue to the Check Out tab and go through the steps as with any customer until reaching the Cash Out button. (Another opportunity to enter or edit fleet information is available here.)


Once all required information has been entered, the invoice is closed and you are returned to the home screen with no active ticket selected.