Report Groups

Report Groups

Reports – Base Groups

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select Business Management from top panel menu

3. Select My Reporting from left panel menu

4. Click on Report Batches icon

5. End of Day and Store Owner Group reports pre-exist. These are commonly used Base Group Reports


Add / Edit

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select Business Management from top panel menu

3. Select My Reporting from left panel menu

4. Click on Report Batches icon


Add a Report Group

1. Click on Add (F4)

a. Complete the following fields:

i. Group Name: Enter a description for the report group

ii. Print At: Select, from the drop-down menu, the Store where reports will print

iii. Print Reports on the following Days: Select days of the week when the reports will print

b. Report Group: Select All Reports for a list of all report titles

c. Report Title: Select which reports to add to the new group

2. Save (F5)


Edit a Report Group

1. Double-click on the existing report group to enable editing

2. Report Group: Select All Reports

3. Report Title: Select or deselect reports to add or remove from the group

4. Save (F5)