QuickTouch: Inventory Reporting

QuickTouch: Inventory Reporting

Inventory Reporting allows you to view and manage all inventory activity in your shop.

Inventory Reporting Menu

There are 16 reports available in Inventory Reporting which are listed across three pages.

To go to the next page, press the “Inventory Reporting Page X” button or the forward arrow at the top of the page.


Report Options Page

Most reports will ask for a date or date range.

In addition, some reports will ask for various sorting and grouping criteria.

If a report will be showing a list of stock numbers, you will be able to group the stock numbers either by Inventory Group (air filters, oil filters, etc), or by Vendor (all parts assigned to a particular vendor).

You will also be able to sort the item lists either Alphabetically, Numerically, or by Sort Order.


Available Inventory Reports

Item Listing Report Lists inventory item details for each stock number.

Inventory Value Report Lists the on-hand amounts and retail values for each stock number. The last page of the report will summarize by inventory group and vendor the total retail dollar amount on hand. Note that this report lists the CURRENT value, if you need the value for a previous date use the Inventory Value Snapshot report.

Inventory Worksheet Lists all stock numbers in the system and provides a worksheet to count the items on the shelf. This is used (generally) monthly or quarterly to verify that the quantities on hand match what are in the computer. Any discrepancies can be fixed (and reported) using Inventory Adjustments. There is an option to print the computer on-hand amount for each item on the report, however some owners choose not to show this information on the worksheet because it’s the “answer.”

Stock Reorder Report Lists by vendor or item group all items that need to be reordered, based on the ordering method for each item (Minimum-Standard Order, or Automatic).

Vendor Listing Report Lists all Vendors and contact information.

Stock Sales Report Lists all stock items sold in the date range grouped by item group, the quantity sold, cost and selling prices, and markup and profit percentages. This report can also be chosen to show the Slowest or Fastest selling inventory.

Service Listing Report Lists all services and price breakdowns configured in QuickTouch.

Non-Service Labor Detail Report This report lists all “Miscellaneous Labor” or “Labor On The Fly” sales. These sales are done using the Labor button on the blue invoicing screen.

Non-Service Parts Detail Report This report lists all “Parts On The Fly” sales. These sales are done using the Parts button on the blue invoicing screen.

The “Parts On The Fly” and “Labor On The Fly” features allow technicians to enter miscellaneous services or outside parts onto the invoice, but rather than just using a “Misc. Service” service, these features allow the technician to type detailed information for each transaction. This can help the owner/manager determine which outside parts are used often enough to carry them in stock, or which miscellaneous services are being offered enough on a regular basis to start advertising.

Inventory Value Snapshot This report is the same as the Inventory Value Report, but you can see the value on a particular day in the past – the other report is the CURRENT value.

Inventory Restocking Report Lists all inventory restocking activity for the date range.

Inventory Adjustment Report Lists all inventory adjustment activity for the date range.

Inventory Transfer Report Lists all inventory transfers for the date range.

Inventory Reconciliation Report Lists all inventory changes for the date range.

Certificate Activity Report Lists certificate activity for the date range. This needs to be turned on in each service needed. Example Smog.

Certificate Omission Report Lists certificate omissions for the date range. This needs to be turned on in each service needed. Example Smog.