QuickTouch: System Utilities

QuickTouch: System Utilities

System Utilities Menu Page

System Utilities provides several diagnostic functions for your system. Generally, you will not need to use these utilities unless instructed by a Sage Technician.

After selecting System Utilities from the System Management Screen, you will be presented with a list of System Utilities Menu options to choose from.

Daily Data Backup

Daily Data Backup allows you to manually back up all QuickTouch data. Note that the Daily Data Backup does NOT back up any non-QuickTouch information (such as the Windows My Documents folder).

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Start Backup This will start the backup to a pre-formatted CD-RW disk or Flash Drive (as selected in Backup Setup).

You will see a status displayed when the backup starts – do not disturb the computer during this process or attempt to launch QuickTouch on any other computer.

Backup Selected Allows you to choose the file(s) that you want to back up. This will only need to be used when instructed by a Sage Support Technician.

Note: Flash drives should be 2GB or larger. Please see the section on backing up QuickTouch (pg 146) for directions on how to set up your daily data backup for a flash drive.


Backup Files Selection Page

Choose the file(s) that the QuickTouch Technician has asked you to select.

OK Starts the backup.

Cancel Cancels the backup process.


Change System Date and Time

This allows you to change the date on the computer. Computers have a “BIOS Battery” on the motherboard which powers the PC BIOS (a memory chip on the computer motherboard). The BIOS in turn keeps the date and time accurately, along with other hardware configuration information, even when the computer is unplugged. If you find that you need to change the date or time often, this battery may need to be changed. The batteries normally have a life of approximately five years.

Note that changing the system date may activate a QuickTouch security feature that will require a password from Sage.

Also note that if you have several computers, you will need to keep the date and time in sync on all of them manually.

The computer will recognize Daylight Savings Time changes automatically.


Database and Disk Utilities

Database and Disk Utilities should only be administered by instruction from a Sage Support Technician.

*Preventative Maintenance Setup

*See QuickTouch technician.

Computer Utilities

Computer Utilities should only be administered by instruction from a Sage Support Technician.

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Computer Type Cashier and Bay Station are exactly the same, except that Cashier allows you to cash out a customer and print an invoice from the Bay Screen on that computer – a Bay Station computer will prompt you to “Send” the invoice to the Cashier computer to be cashed out. The CStore option allows the computer to run as a simple cash register (i.e., no Work orders or invoices). CStore generally will not be used.

Allow Day End From This Computer YES or NO. Yes is normally only used for the main Cashier station.

Computer ID The main Cashier station is normally “1”, and additional bay stations are 2, 3, etc. Each computer needs a unique Computer ID.

Store ID This will normally be “1” except for Central Office locations.

Reset Store IDs NEVER PRESS THIS. Print Store ID With Invoice Number This is useful for owners of multiple locations – this will print the store number, then a dash, and then the invoice number on every invoice (i.e. 32-54665 meaning Store 32, Invoice 54665).

Clear All Users When performing a Day End using the main computer, all other computers need to be exited out of QuickTouch. In the event that QuickTouch thinks that another computer is still in QuickTouch, when you have confirmed that all computers have exited, you can use this function to continue with the Day End. Generally, a Sage Support Technician will instruct you when to use this function.

In newer versions of QuickTouch (6.5.6 and newer), the Clear All Users function is incorporated directly into the Day End Processing procedure.

Database Path DO NOT CHANGE THIS! This points to the QuickTouch database files, which may reside in various places. If you accidentally change or press this field, please hit CANCEL so that this information will not be changed. If you change this and the path is not valid, QuickTouch will not work!

Print Work Order From This Computer Always YES. The NO setting was used in older systems and is only available for legacy support.


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Printer Setup Normally, a Sage Support Technician will configure all printer settings for you at the time of the install. However, there may be times in the future where you need to install additional printers in your facility. After installing the printer, this screen will help you choose where you want various documents to be printed.