eLube Tablet: Checking in a New Customer

eLube Tablet: Checking in a New Customer

To check in a new customer:

  1. Press the New Sale button on the tablet home screen. This will open the Select Customer window where a customer search must be performed to move on with the check in process.

    Note: To cancel the search, press the No Customer button or the Cancel button. This will take you back to the main screen. A “holder” ticket is created. Press the New Sale button again to add customer and vehicle to this ticket or select the Void button to remove the “holder” ticket.


  2. To proceed with the search, select one of the available search options. (The most common search type is the License Plate search and is the default selection.)


  3. After entering your search criteria, press the Search button (binocular icon).


  4. Select the New Customer button. (This is the only option if there are no search results.)


  5. Enter customer information and then press the Save button.
    Note: Entering the zip code will populate the city and state automatically.

    Note: If address verification appears, accept or ignore the changes.

    Note: If a duplicate customer is found after saving the customer information, a list of possible matches will be displayed.

    Choose “Cancel” to continue with creating the new record or select one of the listed customers and press OK to use the customer.


  6. In the vehicle information window, tap the tab key to advance to the license plate field (already populated) and then tap the tab key again. This will launch the Carfax vehicle search.


  7. Press Yes to accept the vehicle.


  8. Review vehicle information and ChekChart recommendations. Edit vehicle information where needed. (Scroll to view any additional information available.)
    Note: ChekChart information will change depending on which field is selected.

  9. Press Save when done.


After finishing the customer and vehicle information has been entered, the Main Menu tabs can be used to add or edit information information entered. Press on the Services tab to enter services.