eLube Tablet: Checking In a Repeat Customer

eLube Tablet: Checking In a Repeat Customer

To check in a repeat customer follow the steps below.

Select Customer

  1. Press the New Sale button on the tablet home screen. This will open the Select Customer window.


  2. Select one of the available search options. (The most common search type is the License Plate search and is the default selection.)


  3. After entering your search criteria, press the Search button (binocular icon) Select the customer from the search results.


  4. Select one of the following 3 options to complete the customer selection:

    Option 1 - Press the This Customer This Vehicle button (most common)
    Option 2 - Press the This customer New Vehicle button then enter the new vehicle information (uncommon)
    Option 3 - Press the This Vehicle, New Customer button then enter the new customer information (least common)

  5. After finishing the customer selection, the main menu tabs can be used to review or edit information.

Review or Edit Customer Information

  1. Press the Customer tab to review or edit customer information. (The active ticket’s number will appear in the window bar.)


  2. Enter customer information and press the Save button when finished.

Review or Edit Vehicle Information

  1. Press the Vehicle Info tab to review or edit vehicle information.


  2. Enter or edit the information and press the Save button when finished.


Continue to adding services. Refer to: Adding Services.