Business Operations Settings Tab

Business Operations Settings Tab

Select the General Operations tab and complete the following fields:

  1. Force Areas (Bay) Entry: If selected, the user is forced to select an area (such as Bay 1) before closing the sale

    1. Add areas in System Maintenance My Business Areas

    2. Select areas in Business Operations by clicking Select Area (F3)

  2. Uses Cash Drawer?: If selected, requires use of a cash drawer

  3. Maximum Open Drawers?: Enter the maximum number of cash drawers allowed open during the work day

  4. Default State: If selected, requires the user to select the default State. Also used as the default State for license plate information

  5. Random Ticket Number Preferences:

    1. Show Random Ticket Number?: If selected, the random ticket number prints on the ticket and overrides the store ticket number on the wash queue

    2. Length: From the drop-down list, select the number of digits desired for the random ticket number

  6. Wizard Preferences: Not used for eLube customers

Select Security Settings tab

  1. Store Opening and Closing Preferences:

    1. Allow Store to be Closed with:

      1. In Progress Tickets?: If selected, the store can be “Closed” (Clock Out) with open tickets that have an “In Progress” status

      2. Back Ordered Tickets?: If selected, the store can be “Closed” (Clock Out) with open tickets that have a “Back Ordered” status

      3. Closed Tickets?: If selected, the store can be “Closed” (Clock Out) with open tickets that have a “Closed” status

      4. Open Cash Drawers?: If selected, the store can be “Closed” (Clock Out) with an open cash drawer. Does not force cash drawer reconciliation

      5. Unreconciled Cash Drawers?: If selected, the store can be “Closed” (Clock Out) with an unreconciled cash drawer

    2. Require Store to be Opened?: If selected, forces the user to “Open” (Clock In) the store before business can begin for the day

➢ Note: As changes are made within the software, remember to Save (F5) all information entered

Select Staff Management tab

  1. Select Payroll tab

    1. Round Time to Nearest: From the drop-down list, select the amount of time to round timecards. Options are the nearest minute, fifteen (15), thirty (30), forty-five (45), or hour

      1. Example: If nearest minute is selected and an employee worked 4 hours and 7 minutes, time is rounded to 4 hours.

    2. Round Time Every: From the drop-down list, select when to round time, either daily or weekly.

    3. Always Round Hours Up?: If selected, the employee’s hours always round up to the nearest minute, fifteen (15), thirty (30), forty-five (45), etc.

    4. Clock-In Buffer: If an employee clocks in or out and it varies from set schedule by more than time set, it is flagged in an employee variance report

    5. Does Weekly Special Pay Only Consider Regular Pay?: If selected, the weekly special rate only uses regular pay rate. (Primarily uses by stores in California)

    6. Is Salary Labor Cost Based on Store Hours (Instead of Timecards)?: If selected, Salary Labor Cost is based on Store Hours

    7. Included All Salary Employees in List: If selected, all paid employees are included in the list.

2. Select Scheduling tab

a. Schedule Employees On The Following: Select days employees can be scheduled to work

3. Save (F5)