Add / Edit Services

Add / Edit Services

Add / Edit

1. Open eGenuity software

2. Select System Maintenance from top panel menu

3. Select Sales from left panel menu

4. Click on Services icon

Add a Service

1. Select Add (F4)

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Code: Enter a brief code for the new service

b. Description: Enter a simple description of the new service

3. Select General Settings tab

a. Complete all fields that apply to the new service

4. Select Industry tab

a. Complete all fields that apply to the new service

5. Select Store Settings tab

a. Select Is Enabled? for all Stores where the service is available

6. Select Pricing tab

a. Enter the Default Price for the service

7. Select Tasks tab

a. Select Is Enabled? for each task performed with the new service

• Note: Tasks are created in System Maintenance > Sales > Tasks

8. Select Categories tab

a. Select Is Enabled? for each category included with the service

b. For each Is Enabled? category, enter the appropriate quantity

c. Select Is Surcharge Applied? if a surcharge is applicable

• Note: Tasks are created in Inventory Management > My Central Inventory > Category Setup

9. Select Additional Charges tab

a. Select Is Enabled? for each additional charge that applies to the new service

b. Note: Tasks are created in System Maintenance > Sales > Additional Charges

10. Save (F5)


Edit a Service

1. Double-click on the existing service to enable editing

2. Make desired changes, as necessary

3. Save (F5)