QuickTouch: Bay Screen

QuickTouch: Bay Screen

In QuickTouch, the Bay Screen is where to initiate sales and create your work orders and invoices.

From the Main Menu, go to Cash Register Mode, then Bay Screen.

Elements of the Bay Screen

License Plate Type the license plate in the field to initiate the sales process. If the license plate matches an existing customer, that customer will be pulled up and can be checked in. If the license plate does not match an existing customer, you will be prompted to add the customer.

Name Search Use the Name Search field if the vehicle is not found in the system using the license plate, but you know that the vehicle has visited previously. A common problem is that the license plate was misspelled on the previous visit.

Press the Search button or simply press Enter on your keyboard after finishing your entry.

You will be presented with an option to search “First Letters” or “Anywhere in Name.”

“First” will use the criteria (what you typed in) as the first part of either the first and last names – i.e., if you type “AN”, the system will return any customer with “AN” in the name, such as “Andy Smith” or “Bill Anderson.”

“Any” will use the criteria to find any first or last name with that string of characters anywhere in the name – i.e., “AN” will return both “Andy Smith” and “Bill Anderson”, as above, but will also return “Brandon Smith” and “Bill McAndrews.”


Search (Extended) Leave the License Plate and Name Search fields blank and press the Search button for a richer search. Search any combination of the fields available.

Bay Screen List In the example screenshot a customer has been checked in, and a work order created. The car is listed on the Bay Screen. Subsequent cars will also be listed on this screen until they are checked out and the invoice printed.

There is no limit as to how many cars can be placed in the bay. If there are more than seven cars in the bay, scroll arrows will appear at the right so that you may view all vehicles in the bay.

Invoice Button Displays a vehicle icon. Pressing it starts the invoicing process.

Service History Button Displays the vehicle license plate number. Pressing it allows you to view and print the entire history for that vehicle, or to reprint an old invoice.

Customer Information Button Displays the customer’s name. Pressing it allows you to view or edit the customer’s name, license plate, address, or vehicle year/make/model/engine information. You will also be able to assign this vehicle to a fleet if not done at check in, or delete this vehicle from a fleet if required.


Manufacturer Specifications Button Displays the vehicle’s year, make and model. Pressing it allows you to view or print the Sage Service Manual or Service Maintenance Schedule (“The Gauges”) for the vehicle, containing information about severe service manufacturers’ recommendations, fluids, fluid quantities, and other information.

Sage Gauges.png

Auxiliary Button Displays the length of time a vehicle has been in the bay. It will be blank for estimates and show invoiced amount for unpaid invoices. The time starts from the moment the license plate is entered and continues until the vehicle is checked out. Pressing this button will present you with several options:

  • Delete From Bay Use this option to delete the vehicle from the bay without creating an invoice. You may be prompted for a security code (see Security Setup) to do this. Note that although the vehicle will be deleted from the bay, it will still print on the Daily Activity Report with a “Bay Delete” status.

  • Reprint This function will allow you to reprint the work order, Sage Service Manual, Sage Maintenance Schedule, or the static sticker.

  • Park (Unpark) “Parking” a vehicle means that you completed the service but for some reason are unable to cash out the customer (as in, the vehicle was dropped off and the customer will return later). Park the vehicle in this case so that the bay time will not continue to tick and skew your averages. If the vehicle is already parked, you can Unpark the vehicle so that the time will continue to accrue.

  • Cancel This will bring you back to the bay screen with no action taken.


Estimates Button Displays a notepad page icon to differentiate it from invoices. Pressing this button will take you into the estimate for modification or to convert it to an Invoice. Green lettering on the buttons differentiates it further and the Auxiliary button will be blank.

The other buttons of an Estimate are the same as invoices, but the text is green to further differentiate it from an invoice.


Payment Button Displays a cash register icon to differentiate it from invoices. Pressing this button will take you into the checkout screen where the invoice can be modified or paid. The Auxiliary button will display the current invoice amount.


Quick Sale Button Allows you to post a sale without going through the work order/invoice process. Note that this type of sale won’t track customer information. Certain services for which you want to require customer information can be disabled from the Quick Sale function. Our suggestion is, do not use the Quick Sale for any services where you work on a vehicle, as you will lose the history of this sale – Quick Sale should only be used for impulse or convenience store items. You can disable the Quick Sale button completely by contacting our Support team.

Show Button This is used to filter the bay screen list. By default, you will see “Show All.” Pressing the button toggles you through:

  • Show All

  • Show Invoices

  • Show Estimates