New Ticket Wizard

New Ticket Wizard

Page Contents:

New Ticket Wizard

The New Ticket Wizard is a quick way to create tickets. To use it to create a ticket:

  1. Open Business Operations.

  2. Select Home Tab.

  3. Click on the New Ticket Wizard button.


  4. Perform a customer search to see if the customer is an existing customer. (The most common search type is the License Plate search and is the default selection.)


    • If there is a matching result, select the select This Customer, This Vehicle button. This will add the customer and the vehicle to the ticket created.


    • If there is no match, you can create a new customer and enter vehicle information by clicking the New Customer button (the only option).

  5. View vehicle service recommendations.

    • You can add services from the recommendation list.

      • Highlight desired service

        • To adjust price, if applicable, select Override (F6)

    • Select all necessary services and then select Next. This will then end the wizard.

      • An attempt to match parts to services selected is made. If no match is found, the part will have to be added manually by double-clicking on the service listed in the ticket window.

    • You can choose not to make a service selection at this point. Selecting the Next button takes you to the service selection screen which will list all services and not just the vehicle service recommendation list.

  6. If no service is selected in previous step, the service selection screen will open. Select vehicle services. You will be prompted to choose parts if the service requires it. The wizard will then close.

New Customer

Return Customer

Vehicle Recommendation

Service Selection