Use CarFax QuickVIN

Use CarFax QuickVIN

The CarFax QuickVIN feature instantly retrieves the 17-digit VIN as well as the vehicle make, model, and year by simply entering the state information and vehicle license plate number. CarFax QuickVIN provides exact parts necessary, reducing the chance of ordering/installing incorrect parts, and decreases time spent entering vehicle details in the ticket process.

  1. Open eLube software

  2. Select ‘New Ticket Wizard’


  3. Search for Customer on Sale Wizard window

    1. If customer does not exist, select ‘New Customer’

      1. Complete customer data

      2. Select ‘Next (F5)’

    2. If customer exists but vehicle is new. Select ‘This Customer, New Vehicle’

      1. State: Select appropriate state from drop-down menu


      2. Enter vehicle license plate

      3. Press Tab key

        1. Select VIN window displays, if “Prompt if only one result is returned?” option is selected in Store settings

          1. If data is correct, select ‘Yes (F5)’

            1. Vehicle (Editing) screen populates


        2. Select ‘Save (F5)’


  4. Continue ticket creation process