QuickTouch: Center and Business Information

QuickTouch: Center and Business Information

Center Information

Center Information is the location address information. This information will print on the customer invoices.

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Center Number This will usually be 1, except for multiple location setups.

Center Name, Address, City, St, Zip Required. These will print at the top of various reports.

2nd Line of Center Name This line is information only, it does not print anywhere. Center Contact The manager’s name, if applicable. Information only, this does not print anywhere.

Phone One Not required but recommended. This will print on invoices and various reports.

Phone Two, Fax, Modem Optional additional information, these do not print anywhere.

Report Footer Optional but recommended for multiple location installs – you can configure it to print the location number in these cases. This will print the footer at the bottom of all reports. BAR#, EPA# These “hidden” fields will appear when a CA (California compliant) invoice is selected from Invoice Setup.


Business Information

Business Information is the return mailing address on Fleet Statements and provides additional information for franchisees (if applicable).

Note that pages 2-4 will not appear unless you have “Franchise” set to YES under Owner Setup. This information will be used on the Co-Op franchise report

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Business Name, Address, City, St, Zip Required.

Business Contact Optional.

Phone One Optional.

Phone Two, Fax, Modem Optional information that does not print anywhere.

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Franchise Number This is the store franchise number.

Franchise Name, Address, City, St, Zip These fields are the franchise corporate office contact information

Fee #1, #2, #3 You can indicate up to three different franchise fees. Enter the description and the percentage amount. The percentages are in whole number, not decimals, so type “600” and it will make it 6% (not .06).

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Box 3 Header This is the title for the Fee #1 box. You can indicate a second line.

Box 4 Header This is the title for the Fee #2 and #3 boxes. Yu can indicate additional lines for these boxes.


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Line 1-6 These are additional comment lines that print at the end of the Co-Op report

 Center Defaults

Center Defaults provides various options for how QuickTouch will operate at your location.

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Default License Sets state code to show on Check-in screen.

Number Of Work Slips Used with Work Order Type (Work slip) setting in Service Maintenance. Normally 0 & used for check-in station at car wash entrance.

Default Country Choices are USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, & Argentina. This sets locale settings. QuickTouch displays date & money amounts in local language. (Month/Day/Year vs. Day/Month/Year, dollars vs. pesos, etc.)

Default Language Choices are English, French, and Spanish. This will display the menus in the selected language.

Second Language Choices are English, French, and Spanish. This will allow you to indicate under Employee Maintenance which employees need the menus to be displayed in the second language. Note that although the menus are translated, things like services, part codes, Chek-Chart information, fleet accounts, etc. are not translated.

Allow Choice of Clocked Out Employees In Check Out Normally this is YES, to allow it. NO would prevent an employee who is not clocked onto the time clock from being assigned to a vehicle invoice.

Clear Employee Selection for Each Invoice Enabling this option, will require employees servicing vehicles to be selected with each transaction during cash-out.

Require Employee Selection from Popup List This option will force user to select the employee position options from the list of clocked in/out employees. Free text is disabled.

Require All Fields in Parts On Fly Normally NO. Parts-On-Fly is an invoice feature which allows you to enter outside parts onto the invoice. If No, you can skip the Cost and Invoice# fields. If Yes, these fields are required.

Show Week, Month, Year on Sales Reports Normally YES. Selecting NO would suppress the Week-, Month-, and Year-to-Date totals from showing on the sales reports. Some owners choose to disable these calculations so that the cashiers aren’t privy to sales numbers.

Require VIN Require a VIN number be entered for vehicles on Check-In. The VIN field is located on the Extended Customer Information page of Customer Maintenance.

Use Auto-Reminder Calculation Normally NO, this would allow QuickTouch to calculate the next reminder date based on the customer average return visits.

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These fields are used to calculate the Vital Statistics report. You will need to estimate these values.  

Default Labor On Fly Tax Status Labor-On-Fly allows you to enter miscellaneous labor charges on the invoice. In some states, only parts are taxable, in others, both parts and labor are taxable. If labor is taxable, select YES.

Default Parts On Fly Tax Status Parts-On-Fly allows you to add miscellaneous parts to the invoice. Refer to your state and local tax laws for the appropriate settings.

Labor Rate Your average hourly labor rate.

Number of Work Hours per Day Average number of work hours per day.

Estimated Overhead per Day Estimate your average daily overhead (i.e., rent, utilities, insurance…)

Estimated Labor per Day Your average daily labor costs.

Base Ticket Average The value entered here will get taken into consideration for the calculations on the Daily Sales Summary Report.