QuickTouch: Owner Setup

QuickTouch: Owner Setup

Owner Setup allows you to configure QuickTouch options, which mostly affect the Bay Screen functionality.

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Report Output Device Type This should normally be LASER unless the Oki 320T/420T printer is being used.

Report Printing Style This should normally be Fast.

Bay Screen Style QuickTouch has two different Bay Screen display styles.

Lube is the standard display style, which shows all cars on the bay, and provides the History, Customer Information, Manufacturer Specifications, and Auxiliary buttons for each vehicle.

Lube2” display style provides for a “paperless Work Order”, where work order information is displayed on the screen. Note that all the same options are available for each vehicle in the bay, but you must first highlight the vehicle before being able to view the work order or have access to the Manufacturer Specifications and Auxiliary buttons.

Rows On Bay Screen This feature is disabled. If more than 8 vehicles are on the bay screen, scroll arrows will appear.

Franchise Normally this will be NO. Choosing Yes enables the Co-Op report and enables three more configuration screens under Business Information that pertain to the Co-Op report. This is only necessary for franchise locations.

AutoFill Service Will allow QuickTouch to automatically fill in parts and quantity information when creating invoice, based on what was input when Work Order was created. The advantage is that it speeds up the Invoice process for most customers; the disadvantage is that invoices needing a change (i.e., customer requests house oil at check-in but later is up-sold to a high mileage oil), the AutoFill must first complete. Then the service can be deleted and re-added.

Skip Comments and Checkout Screen Allowed The invoice process consists of four screens for most vehicles – Services, Comments, Checklist, and Checkout. Shortcut buttons allow you to skip between all four of these screens. Thus, it is possible to go straight from the Services screen to the Checkout screen, by using the “Invoice” shortcut. The advantage is speed; the disadvantage is that by skipping over the comments and checklist screens, vital information concerning the vehicle (recommendations, low fluid levels, etc.) might not be recorded onto the invoice by the cashier.

Warning Message For Returning Non-ChekChart Vehicles Normally this will be YES. When a new vehicle is recorded into the system, you indicate the Year, Make Model and Engine. However, sometimes very new vehicles will not be available in QuickTouch, and you will have to manually enter the information. You can have QuickTouch prompt you when the vehicle returns to complete the information.

Enable Extended Invoice Screen Editing (QuickTouch) Normally this will be NO. On the blue Services screen, as you are entering services, occasionally the price for parts or services may need to be changed. Enabling this option allows you to change the price directly on the blue screen. Disabling this option forces you to either provide a coupon for any discounts or add miscellaneous parts or labor for any upcharges. The advantage is speed and accuracy; the disadvantage, however, is that the cashier can override ANY price in the system, and there is NO tracking mechanism for these changes.

Enable Extended Invoice Screen Editing (Epicor) Same as the previous settings but applies to services that were added through the Epicor ISE interface.


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Bypass AR Credit Limit Normally this will be NO. This allows QuickTouch to ignore the fleet account credit limits.

Remember Check-In If YES, when selecting a car for check-out, the services selected at check-in will automatically come up as services performed when selecting the red car at invoicing. The advantage to that you won’t have to reselect the services at checkout, but the disadvantage is that you do not have a choice as to which services are prompted first.

Bypass Clock Out at Day End Normally, when doing Day End Processing, if any employees are still clocked into the time clock, you will be prompted with these employees, giving you an option to clock them out. This allows an accurate employee timesheet to print, as well as reminding the manager if anyone forgot to clock out. If you wish to bypass this, choose YES here.

Allow Clock Out Time at Day End to be Set Manually Allows the person closing the day to manually enter the time that the employees will be clocked out. These times will be recorded as ‘edited’ times on the Time Clock Audit Report.

Allow Gift Cards This option allows you to sell and redeem electronic gift cards (managed through a separate third-party electronic exchange). There is considerable setup to this option, please see the Gift Card section on page 207 for more information.

Max Number of Gift Card Services This should be at least 1 if Allow Gift Cards is set to Yes.

Keystroke Emulation Sage Emulation mimics keystrokes and shortcuts like the Dos LubePlus system. Traditional Emulation uses normal Windows keystrokes and shortcuts.

Multiple Tills Enabling Multiple Tills gives QuickTouch the ability to track multiple cash drawers on separate computers or more than one shift worked on one physical cash drawer. If enabled, the Open and Close Till functions must be completed on each till before starting/ending the business day. (See section on Till Management on page 50 for more information.

Show Recommendations at Check In If enabled, this will show an additional popup screen at check in after the Customer form, but before the Service Maintenance Schedule. The pop-up displays information such as recommended oil grade/viscosity, oil capacity, cautions and previous service comments.

Show Recommended Oil on Which Forms The feature displays a small pop-up message notifying the user of the manufacturer recommended oil for the current vehicle. The setting allows it to pop up at Check out or Check in only or both places.


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Hide Expired Coupons/Discounts During Checkout With this option set to Yes, QuickTouch will only show coupons and discounts that are currently within their active dates. Any expired coupons or discounts will not be shown.

Scan Coupons/Discounts If enabled, coupon and discount prompts at cash out will only accepted a scanned barcode. Note: A Sage approved barcode scanner is required to use this feature.

Scan Inventory Item look-ups will be searched by Stock Number or scanned barcode. Note: Product UPCs must be scanned ahead of time into the barcode field of Item setup in Inventory Item Maintenance before using this feature.

Allow $0.00 Invoices This feature allows zero dollar invoices to be processed. This is useful for warranty work or top-offs. Show Service Maintenance Schedule During Check In This option enables the Service Maintenance Schedule to automatically display on screen for every customer.

Show Invoice Total on Auxiliary Button for Invoices Ready For Cash Out Displays the final invoice total for the corresponding invoice once vehicle is processed.

Allow Change To Bank Deposit Normally this will be NO. Most stores start the day with a fixed cash drawer amount, say $150. At day end after the deposit is removed, $150 remains in the drawer for the next day. However, some stores prefer to leave the loose change in the drawer and only deposit a dollar amount, leaving an odd amount in the drawer for the next day. Enabling this option allows you to indicate the deposit amount, and QuickTouch will change the starting drawer amount accordingly for the next day.


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Allow SMS to Search Shared History Only available in multiple store setups, NexGen Customer/History Sharing required.

Allow SMS to Search Converted/Archived History Available for shops that had a data conversion from another software system. This setting should also be enabled if you have an Invoice Archive performed on your database.

Use Shared History File for Local Data Only available in multiple store setups, NexGen Customer/History Sharing required.

For Data Prior To This Date Used in conjunction with the previous setting. Only available in multiple store setups, NexGen Customer/History Sharing required.

Show Which Positions on Daily Stats Choose which invoice technician positions are displayed on the Daily Statistics Employee breakdown.

Use CarFax to Validate Vehicle Info If enabled, allows QuickTouch to communicate with CarFax to validate the vehicle’s information.

Sort Parked Vehicles on Bay Screen Allows you to choose where parked vehicles are displayed on the bay screen. The “Normal” option will display the parked vehicles in descending, chronological order based on the time that they were entered into the bay screen. “Bottom” will sort the parked vehicles to the bottom of the bay list.

Print a Receipt (not Invoice) for Each Applicable Service If enabled, QuickTouch will print a receipt for each service on the invoice for which a receipt is specified rather than a full invoice in Service Setup. So, if there are 5 Services on an invoice, and 3 of them are set to ‘Receipt’ on page 5 of their service setup, then the system will print the set number of regular invoices (page 1 of Invoice setup), plus 3 receipts.


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Include Security For Parking Vehicles If Yes, the Security Override Window will appear, prompting the user to enter a code and password to verify their security before parking a vehicle.

Hide Parts Price On Invoice For Actual Parts Services (Graphics Invoice Type only) By default, for a service that is setup as Actual Parts Pricing method and Fixed Labor pricing, QuickTouch will display the Parts and Labor portion separately. If you set this to yes, it will combine the Parts and Labor portions into one amount next to the Service on the invoice (The blue screen will still display the parts and labor separately).

Show Taxable/Nontaxable Totals on Invoices (Graphics Invoice Type only) For compliance with some state laws, this setting can show the totals of each portion of the sub-total.

Show VIN on Invoices (Graphics Invoice Type only) The VIN will be printed in the body of the invoice, after all Services, Parts, Labor, Misc. charges, Coupons and Discounts.

Show Miles Since Last Visit on Invoices (Graphics Invoice Type only) The miles since last visit will be printed in the body of the invoice, after all Services, Parts, Labor, Misc. charges, Coupons and Discounts.

Use Loyalty Rewards Program This enables a Yes/No option on the Extended Customer Information page. This in no way correlates to the Loyalty Rewards setup that is explained under the Service Group Management section of the Manual.

Allow Emailing Invoices This setting will allow you to choose whether to Print, Email or Print and Email your customer’s invoice. If a no email address was collected, the system will prompt for it at check out. Note: Proper Email client setup and/out SMTP server setup required to utilize this feature. Contact Sage Technical Support for more information.

Email Address Validation The system will verify whether the email address that is entered is valid.

Signature Capture This enables on-screen signature capture to be used on the printed or emailed invoice. Compatible Tablet or touch screen monitor is required.


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Skip Work Order Screen During Check In If this setting is enabled, the system will automatically skip the check in process and will take you from the Customer Information screen directly to the Invoice Blue Screen. If this setting is set to No, check in can be skipped by pressing the Green Invoice button at the top of the screen.

Require Customer Info This feature requires customer information to be entered prior to checking out a vehicle. The system will not allow the user to proceed until the customer’s information has been entered in.

Allow Customer Info To Be Skipped During Check-In Selecting Yes on this setting will allow you to skip the customer information when checking a car in, then it will allow or deny invoicing based on the previous setting.

Require Email Address This feature requires an email address to be entered at customer check in/out and will not proceed without one. If the customer does not provide or have an email address, you can press the “Opt Out” button to proceed with the check in/out.

Display/Require Customers Gender This feature requires the customer’s gender to be selected at check in/out.

Parts Button Function This setting controls the behavior of the Parts button on the Blue Screen. If Local, the button will ask you to enter a stock number from your inventory or bring up the Parts on the Fly screen if the stock number entered does not exist. If Epicor, the system will launch you into the Epicor ISE interface. If Ask, the system will prompt you each time to either use the Local method or Epicor.

Labor Button Function Similar to the Parts button function setting above, you can choose Local to simply enter a labor amount and description or Epicor to launch into Epicor ISE. The Ask setting will prompt you each time for which method to use.

Allow Net Sales Excluded by Service Choose whether to allow specific services to be excluded from the Net Sales, Car Counts and Average Net Sale (Ticket Average) calculations on sales reports.

Adjusted Net Totals Exclude Invoice Choose whether only the Sales, only the Counts or both are excluded from the Net total’s calculations


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All the following options determine whether a filter catalog can be associated with the group. If set to yes, they will display on the Sage Service Manual underneath the standard Oil, Air, PCV, Breather and Cabin Air Filters.

  • Belts

  • Spark Plugs

  • Cabin Air Filters

  • Caps

  • Fuel Filters

  • Wiper Blades

  • Lights

  • Transmission Filters