Creating an Estimate

Creating an Estimate


Please note a new store printer would need to be configured in eLube to Microsoft Print to PDF for the estimates to be saved locally in a PDF document for emailing purposes.

Steps to Set up a Printer in eLube


  1. Open up eGenuity, go to the System Maintenance Tab → Select Hardware on the Left Panel Tab → select Store Printers. In this area, the estimate printer will need to be setup on the workstation that will be creating and sending the estimates.


2. Once in the Store Printer settings, Click Add. Follow steps 1 & 2. Input the requested information: Store: Store ID Number, Store Printer Code: Estimate , Description: Estimates Printer, Print Each Copy Separately: check mark in the box, and Printer Model: Windows Printer. Click Save and the new estimate printer is now saved as a store printer.

3. Go to the System Maintenance Tab → Select Hardware on the Left Panel Tab → select Printer Configuration. In this area, the printer configuration will be setup for the printer customization for the estimates.


4. Once in the Printer Configuration settings. Follow steps 1, 2, & 3 (Where do you want to Print? Store ID #- Estimate Printer, What do you want to print? Estimate, When do you want to print? Always). Input the requested information for the Print Action Settings: Copies, Maximum Copies, Template File Name: crInvoice.rpt. Click Save and the configurations will be saved for the estimate printer.


5. Go to the System Maintenance Tab → Select Hardware on the Left Panel Tab → select Workstations. In this area, the estimate printer will need to be setup on the workstation that will be creating and sending the estimates.

6. Once in the Workstation settings. Follow steps 1 & 2 (Input the store ID of the store and select the workstation that will creating the estimates). Under the Printers tab, select the Store Printer: Estimate Printer and changed the field for Windows Printer to Microsoft Print to PDF. Click Save and now the option is available to print estimates to a PDF.



How to Create an Estimate


  1. Open eLube Business Operations to create the estimate. Select the Ticket Type or press F2, then select Estimate or press F4 to create the estimate. Click Save or press F5 to save estimate or ticket selection, click Close or ESC to close out the estimate or ticket.

An estimate can be changed at any time during the sale by clicking select ticket type and selecting service. This will change the estimate back to a service ticket. The changes only can be made before payment on the estimate / ticket.



2. To save an estimate locally and then email a PDF. Click the Action tab, and select Print Ticket. (To only print the estimate from the Business Operations screen, click the Action tab → select Print Estimate. Send the estimate to the store printer named Estimates Printer).



3. Save the estimate as a PDF document (File Name: Create the name for the estimate, Save as Type: PDF Document), this will either go to the PC desktop or the folder that it was saved in. (Another option is to send the estimate to the store printer named Estimates Printer this will create a PDF document as well). The option is now available to print the estimate or send the estimate in an email.












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