Reports: Trend Analysis

Reports: Trend Analysis

Profit/Cost Trend


The Profit/Cost Trend report compares selected stores with all stores for the current year as well as the two previous years. There is no date range selection for this report; it simply runs for the year to date. The report provides total invoice cost and profit for each month, average invoice cost and profit, and profit ratios.

The report is useful in comparing stores based on profit and cost for the current and two previous years. It allows you to identify if there have been increases or decreases in profit or cost.

What’s in it?

Sales Trend


The Sales Trends report compares selected stores with all stores for the current year as well as the two previous years. There is no date range selection for this report; it simply runs for the year to date. The report provides average daily gross and net sales as well as total monthly gross and net sales.

The report is useful in comparing stores based on sales for the current and two previous years. It allows you to determine if there has been an increase or decrease in sales.

What’s in it?