Reports: Employee

Reports: Employee

Employee Profile


The Employee Profile report is a listing of all employees’ employment information. These details include demographics, hire date and payroll information. The report can be run for an individual or all employees.

This report allows you to document all your employees’ information on a single report. You can use this report to review each employee’s information for accuracy. It is especially useful if you use the QuickTouch system for time-clock tracking and reporting for payroll as this report shows details including: regular and overtime wages, payroll history and last wage change. It also summarizes quarterly and year-to-date wage totals.

What’s in it?

Employee Time Sheet


The Employee Time Sheet report displays all of the hours an employee was clocked into the QuickTouch system for the date or date range selected. The report can be run for a specific employee or all employees, set to print one or multiple employees per page, include employees with no activity, and even include an option to print an employee signature line.

Using the Employee Time Sheet can potentially eliminate the usage of traditional time sheets and the tediousness of clocking in and out on a punch clock. This increases efficiency through automation by allowing the QuickTouch system to manage all time-clock functions for your employees. This report lists all hours worked for every employee and can be used as documentation for payroll. This report is a complementary report to the Employee Earnings report which shows actual wages.

What’s in it?

Employee Earnings Report


The Employee Earnings Report is very similar to the Employee Time Sheet but provides a summary of employee hours and earnings for each employee rather than time clock hours only. The report can be run for a date or date range, specific employee or all employees, set to print one or multiple employees per page, show employees with no activity, and include an option to print an employee signature line.

Using the time clock functionality of QuickTouch can potentially eliminate the usage of traditional time sheets and the tedium of clocking in and out on a punch clock. This increases efficiency through automation and allows the QuickTouch system to manage all time-clock functions for your employees and report that information for payroll processing.

What’s in it?


Employee Sales Tracking


The Employee Sales Tracking Report is used to track all of the services performed by your employees during a given date or date range. The report is designed to be run by position, as specified on the actual customer’s invoices (upper bay, lower bay, manager and courtesy). It can also be generated by employee name and can be set to include or exclude item grouping codes for services sold.

The Employee Sales Tracking Report is used to track services performed by each individual employee. It measures performance and provides supplemental documentation for employee pay rates, promotions, incentives and/or commissions based on services sold and revenues generated.

What’s in it?

Bi-Weekly Timesheet Summary


The Bi-Weekly Time Sheet Summary displays all of the hours that employees were clocked into the QuickTouch system for any two week period. The date for this report should be entered in as the last day of the two week period that you wish to report on. It includes totals for regular and overtime hours.

The Bi-Weekly Employee Timesheet Summary is a complementary report to the Weekly Time Sheets in showing the hours worked for the employees for payroll reporting. For those centers that are on a biweekly pay schedule, it additionally offers totals for both weeks of the pay period specified in the report criteria.

What’s in it?