Reports: Fleet

Reports: Fleet

Fleet Listing


The Fleet Account Listing report gives you a complete listing of every fleet account in your QuickTouch Accounts Receivable system. The report has the option of being printed alphabetically or numerically by account number.

This is a simple report to document your list of all fleet accounts in your system and their account numbers, contact information and pricing specifications.

What’s in it?

Fleet Detail


The Fleet Account Detail report complements the Fleet Account Listing and provides a more detailed listing of fleet account and the fleet vehicles that are part of the account. The report can be run for a single fleet or for all accounts.

This report is similar to the Fleet Account Listing report, but provides additional vehicle detail. This report will provide you with details of every vehicle license plate, year, make, and model in the account.

What’s in it?

Fleet Transaction


The Fleet Transaction Journal provides you with a listing of all transactions made for a single fleet or range of fleets within a specified date range. It details the services performed, invoice numbers, and vehicles serviced.

This report can be used as a supplement to printing fleet statements or as a standalone report to review fleet activity.

What’s in it?

Aging Summary


The Fleet Aging Summary is used to detail the sales and receivables on your fleet accounts. It lists each fleet account with outstanding balances in aging windows of 30-day periods. It also shows service revenues, payments and totals outstanding for each account. The report can be run for an alphabetic listing of all accounts or for a single fleet account.

This report details which fleet customers are current or past-due in making payments to their account. Depending on your payment terms with the account, this report may show you that further collection action needs to be taken or whether the account’s payment terms should be reconsidered. It is also a useful report to show the total outstanding receivables for general ledger accounting purposes.

What’s in it?

Fleet Check Journal


The Fleet Check Journal lists all of the checks that have been applied to your fleet accounts in NexGen. By account, it also details the specific check information and the invoices that the payments were applied to. The report can be generated for a single fleet or range of fleet accounts, for a single day, date range or all dates.

The Fleet Check Journal details fleet account payments and can help you identify if checks are missing or verify that payments have been made. The report is also useful in showing the total all of payments received from fleet accounts for accounting purposes.

What’s in it?

Fleet Credit Journal


The Fleet Credit Journal details all of the credits that have been added to your fleet accounts in NexGen. It lists each fleet account that credits have been added to and the invoices the credits have been applied to. The report can be generated for single fleet or range of fleet accounts, for single day, date range or all dates.

The Fleet Credit Journal details all of the credits that have been added to an account and the invoices to which the credit(s) have been applied. It can help you identify any unapplied or missing credits, allowing you to make corrections to your fleet account balances. The report is also useful in showing the total all of credits added to fleet accounts for accounting purposes.

What’s in it?

COS Comparison


The Fleet COS Comparison details all fleet transactions within the date range specified. It lists invoice date, number, amount as well as customer name, account number and method of payment.

This report details all fleet transactions, including payment information.

What’s in it?

Aging Snapshot


The Fleet Aging Snapshot is similar to Aging Summary but it allows you to look at previous information. It is used to detail the sales and receivables on your fleet accounts. It lists each fleet account with outstanding balances in aging windows of 30-day periods. It also shows service revenues, payments and totals outstanding for each account. The report can be run for an alphabetic listing of all or just a single account.

This report details which fleet customers are current or past-due in making payments to their account. Depending on your payment terms with the account, this report may show you that further collection action needs to be taken or whether the account’s payment terms should be reconsidered. It is also a useful report to show the total outstanding receivables for general ledger accounting purposes.

What’s in it?