FAQ: Adjust Ticket Date

FAQ: Adjust Ticket Date

In cases where manual tickets were created for later entry, changing the service date of the ticket is possible. Once the manual tickets are entered into the system, follow the steps as outlined to change to the correct service date.

  1. Open eLube software

  2. Select ‘Business Management’ from top panel menu

  3. Select ‘Special Functions’ from left panel menu

  4. Click on ‘Adjust Ticket Dates’ icon


    1. Step 1

      1. Select desired search criteria from drop-down menu


        1. Date Range: Use the drop-down calendar to display tickets for a specific date range

        2. Today: Displays tickets created today

        3. Yesterday: Displays tickets created yesterday

        4. This Week: Displays all tickets created this week

        5. Last Week: Displays all tickets created last week

        6. This BiWeek: Option does not work for adjusting ticket dates

        7. Last BiWeek: Option does not work for adjusting ticket dates

        8. This Month: Displays all tickets created in the current month

        9. Last Month: Displays all tickets created in the previous month

        10. This Day Last Year: Displays all tickets created on the same day in the previous year

        11. This Week Last Year: Displays all tickets created during the same week in the previous year

        12. This Month Last Year: Displays all tickets created during the same month in the previous year

    2. Step 2


      1. Find the Ticket with a ‘Select desired’ option from drop-down menu

        1. Store: Store number where ticket was created

        2. Ticket Number: Exact ticket number required

        3. License: License plate number entered on ticket

        4. Last Name: Last name of customer on ticket

        5. First Name: First name of customer on ticket

        6. City: City on ticket

        7. Status: Status of ticket

        8. Complete Time: Time ticket was completed

      2. Enter search criteria based on option selected

        1. Click on binoculars icon to process search

    3. Step 3

      1. Select desired ticket(s) from search results

        1. New Ticket Date: Select desired NEW ticket date from drop-down calendar

        2. Select ‘Redate Tickets’


        3. Are you sure you want to adjust the date on (x) tickets to m/dd/yyyy? Select ‘Yes’ to confirm


  5. Select ‘Close (ESC)’ when all ticket dates have been changed