FAQ: Vehicle Information Lookup

FAQ: Vehicle Information Lookup

The Vehicle Information Update, commonly referred to as EVI or Chek Chart, is provided by Motor and integrated with eLube through the Vehicle Information Update feature. The Vehicle Information data is based on the year, make, model, and engine size of the vehicle.

The Vehicle Information data can be viewed through Business Operations (eLube) without the need to create a service ticket by following the steps below.

  1. Open Business Operations (eLube) software

  2. Select ‘Action’ from top panel menu

  3. Select ‘Vehicle Information (Ctrl+F4)’ from drop-down menu


    1. Year: Select year of vehicle from drop-down menu

    2. Make: Select manufacturer from drop-down menu

    3. Model: Select model from drop-down menu

    4. Engine: Select appropriate engine size from drop-down menu

    5. Select ‘View Vehicle Info’


      1. Select ‘Quick Reference’ tab to view oil and air filters, PCV valves, breathers, special notes, engine oil grades and viscosity recommendations, engine oil capacities, transmission information, tire sizes, and a variety of other information.


      2. Select ‘Diagrams and Procedures’ tab to view belt routing, engine and chassis diagrams, and transmission illustrations.


      3. Select ‘Print (F5)’ to print data

      4. Select ‘Close (Esc)’ to close Vehicle Information window

    6. Select ‘Close (Esc)’ to close Vehicle Information Lookup window