FAQ: Copy Ticket Notes from Previous Ticket

FAQ: Copy Ticket Notes from Previous Ticket

While performing a service, it is possible the employee notices issues, such as a leaking oil pan or radiator, for which the customer needs to know. The notes are tied to the customer and vehicle’s service history by way of ticket notes. Copying notes from one ticket to another can serve as a reminder when the customer returns to the business. The ability to enable or disable this feature lies within the eLube software configuration.

Change Store Settings

  1. Open eLube software

  2. Select ‘System Maintenance’ from top panel menu

  3. Select ‘My Business’ from left panel menu

  4. Click on ‘Stores’ icon


    1. Double-click on appropriate store to enable editing


    2. Select ‘Business Operations Settings’ tab

    3. Select ‘General Operations’ tab

      1. Copy Ticket Notes from Previous Ticket?

        1. Select to enable

        2. De-select to disable

        3. Select ‘Save (F5)’


Verify in Business Operations

  1. Open Business Operations
    Note: If Business Operations was open when changes made in eLube, close and reopen Business Operations

  2. Select ‘New Ticket Wizard (Ctrl+W)’

  3. Follow prompts to create new ticket

  4. Verify Ticket Notes field on right side of Ticket Window

    1. Displays Ticket Notes if Copy Ticket Notes from Previous Ticket? option enabled


    2. Does not display Ticket Notes if Copy Ticket Notes from Previous Ticket? option disabled