Credit Card Checkout Button Missing

Credit Card Checkout Button Missing

In instances where the credit card checkout button no longer appears, checking settings within eLube is necessary.

eLube Desktop Software

  1. Open eLube software

  2. Select ‘System Maintenance’ from top panel menu

  3. Select ‘Customizations /Layouts’ from left panel menu

  4. Click on ‘Operations Buttons’ icon


    1. Select appropriate Store from drop-down menu

    2. Select ‘Load’


    3. Select ‘Check Out Buttons’ tab

    4. Verify Credit is set to ‘Use Default’


    5. Select ‘Save (F5)’ if changes made

    6. Select ‘Close (Esc)’ if no changes made

eLube Tablet Software

Determine Touch Screen Layout

  1. Open eLube software

  2. Select ‘System Maintenance’ from top panel menu


  3. Select ‘Hardware’ from left panel menu

  4. Click on ‘Workstations’ icon


    1. Double-click on appropriate workstation


    2. Select ‘Business Operations Settings’ tab

    3. Touch Screen Layout: Make note of selection

    4. Select ‘Close (Esc)’


Verify Touch Screen Layout Settings

  1. Select ‘Customizations /Layouts’ from left panel menu

  2. Click on ‘Touch Screen Layouts’ icon


    1. Double-click on appropriate layout


    2. Select ‘Check Out Page’ tab

    3. Verify Credit is set to ‘Use Default’

    4. Select ‘Save (F5)’ if changes made

    5. Select ‘Close (Esc)’ if no changes made


Verify Payment Methods

  1. Select ‘Financial’ from left panel menu

  2. Click on ‘Payment Methods’ icon


  3. Double-click desired credit card


    1. Select ‘General Settings' tab


      1. Verify Is Hidden? is NOT selected

    2. Select ‘Store Settings’ tab


      1. Verify Is Enabled? IS selected

  4. Repeat steps for each credit card brand